MYEGuard app will enable to identify people who have been in close proximity (within max of 10m for at least 30 minutes) to coronavirus patients or a person with suspicious symptoms using Wireless Bluetooth technology. Records of such encounters are stored locally and encrypted on each user’s phone and send the data REALTIME on the Dashboard.
If a user is interviewed by a Medical Officer as part of the contact tracing efforts, he/she can consent to send his/her MYEGuard data to the Medical Officer. The data can be used to corroborate manual contact tracing (i.e. Health Officers interview infected patients to get a list of their contacts) as well as to find the known and unknown (i.e. infected patients might have been in a meeting/conference) where they do not know everyone.
MYEGuard does not collect or use location data and does not access a user’s phone contact list or address book. It only uses Bluetooth data.